08/30/2020 – Sunday Morning Service
2 Corinthians 5:9-20
Sermon Topics
– What we believe and how we behave must always go together.
– The Christian worker must have the right motive for ministry as well as the right message.
- The Soul Winner’s Compulsion (Vs. 9)
- If you are NOT endeavoring to bring souls to Christ, you are not acceptable to God.
- No matter how many men you please, if you displease God you are a failure! But if you please God, it does not matter how many men you displease.
- There are two classes of Christians: The Soul-Winner and the Backslider.
- The Soul Winner’s Compensation (Vs. 10)
- When you lead souls to Jesus Christ, you do not receive a corruptible crown, you receive a crown of Glory!
- Do NOT get the idea that everybody is going to be the same in Heaven.
- The Judgment Seat of Christ will be a REWARD for some and REGRET for others.
- There will not be any soul-winning in Heaven. All the soul-winning you are ever going to do, you must do now.
- The Soul Winner’s Conviction (Vs. 11)
- If you do not preach the whole truth, you have only given half the truth; and when half the truth becomes the only truth, then that half truth is an untruth.
- The Soul Winner’s Compassion (Vs. 13-15)
- How can you say you love Jesus and not be concerned for souls that He died for?
- What drives you as a soul winner is not your love for people but your love for Jesus.
- The Soul Winner’s Confidence (Vs. 16-17)
- Aren’t you glad you were made NEW in Jesus?
- The up and out are just as lost as the down and out. But the down and out are just as precious as the up and out.
- The Soul Winner’s Commission (Vs. 18)
- YOU have been called to the MINISTRY.
- God did not save you to sit and to sour, but to serve. Some of you are sour this morning.
- You have been Appointed and Annointed. It is time you act like it.
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