The Believer’s Calling – Part 1

by | Jun 7, 2020 | Sermons

06/07/2020 – Sunday Evening Service

1 Corinthians 1:1-25

Sermon Topics

When you have proud people depending on human wisdom, adopting the lifestyle of the world, you are going to have problems.

  1. Called to Be Holy (1:1-9)
    • What we are in Jesus Christ positionally ought to be what we practice in daily life, but we often fail.
    • Set Apart by God (Vs. 1-3)
      • In other words, every true believer is a saint because every true believer has been set apart by God and for God.
    • Enriched by God’s Grace (Vs. 4-6)(2 Cor. 8:7)
    • Expecting Jesus to Return (Vs. 7)
    • Depending on God’s Faithfulness (Vs. 8-9)
  2. Called into Fellowship (1:10-25)
    • Is Christ Divided? (10:13a)(Gal. 1:6-9)
      • Instead of emphasizing the MESSAGE of the Word, the Corinthians emphasized the MESSENGER. (Col. 1:18)
    • Were You Baptized in the Name of Paul? (Vs. 13b-17)

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