09/06/2020 – Sunday Morning Service
Romans 8:26-27
Sermon Topics
– Prayer is the Greatest Christian Privilege. Prayer is the Greatest Christian Service. Prayer is the Greatest Christian Failure.
– To pray in the flesh is to fail, but to pray in the Spirit is to succeed.
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Activation of Our Wills in Prayer (Rom. 8:5-8)
- If you become spirit-filled, you will have to backslide to keep from praying.
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Animation of Our Bodies in Prayer (Rom. 8:10-11)
- Not only did Jesus give Himself FOR you, He gave Himself TO you.
- Our problem many times is not that we are too weak, our problem is that we are not weak enough
- God’s plan is to deliver us from self-sufficiency and cast ourselves upon His sufficiency; He makes us perpetually weak that we might be perpetually strong.
- When you are praying, who is praying? You or the Holy Spirit of God?
- The Holy Spirit of God is praying instead of you, but He is praying together with you.
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Adaptation of Our Requests (Rom. 8:26)
- For many, your prayer life has become a stagnant swamp rather than a mighty river.
- Have you ever noticed we are more interested in keeping the Saints out of Heaven than the Lost out of Hell?
- Sometimes we don’t know what to pray… Church, just pray.
- The Holy Spirit Presides Over the Administration of Our Access (Rom. 8:14-15)
- How does prayer work? We pray to God, through Jesus, in the Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Articulation of Our Words (Rom. 8:26)
- Pain transfigured by Hope! That is what Prayer is!
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Enunciation of Our Confidence (Rom. 8:28)
- All things are working together for the good literally means God is working all things for the Good.
- The Holy Spirit Works in the Amplification of Our Victory (Rom. 8:31-32)
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