Rahab: An Incredible Expression of Faith
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Rahab: An Incredible Expression of Faith" Joshua 2:3-4, 8-14 1. Rahab's Incredible Expression of Faith. 2. Rahab's Legacy.
Will We Rule with Christ? (Part 2)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Will We Rule with Christ?" Part 2 Revelation 22:5 1. Should We Want to Rule? 2. Forward: Looking for What God Has for Us.
The Act Set Before Rahab
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Act Set Before Rahab" Joshua 2:1-7 1. An Incredible Act of Kindness.
The Introduction of the Book of Jeremiah
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Introduction of the Book of Jeremiah" Jeremiah 1:6-10 1. The Book. 2. The Structure. 3. The Real Message.
Will We Rule with Christ? (Part 1)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Will We Rule with Christ?" Part 1 Revelation 22:5 1. Why are we Surprised that We will Rule? 2. Our Promise: Owning and Ruling the Land.
The Picture of Redemption: Rahab
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Picture of Redemption: Rahab" Matthew 1:5-6 1. The Background of Rahab
God, to Dwell Among Us? (Part 2)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "God, to Dwell Among Us?" Part 2 Revelation 21:3 1. Personal Attention from Jesus. 2. God Will Serve Us. 3. The Choice is Before Us.
The Temperament of Sarah
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Temperament of Sarah" Genesis 18:4-15 1. The Joy Found in the Promise. 2. Sarah's Treatment of Ishmael. 3. Sarah's Final Years.
Do Our Last Words Matter? (Part 2)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Do Our Last Words Matter?" (Part 2) 2 Timothy 4:1-22 Be Diligent and Faithful
To See God, What Does it Mean? (Part 2)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "To See God, What Does it Mean?" Psalm 63:1 1. The Marriage at Hand 2. The Joy of a God-Centered Heaven 3. The Relocation of Heaven 4. Being with God 5. Being with Jesus
The Perseverance of Sarah
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Perseverance of Sarah" Genesis 17:1-27 1. The Perseverance of Sarah.
Do Our Last Words Matter? (Part 1)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Do Our Last Words Matter?" (Part 1) 2 Timothy 4:1-22 1. Preach the Word. 2. Fulfill Your Ministry.
To See God, What Does it Mean? (Part 1)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "To See God, What Does it Mean?" Psalm 63:1 1. The Beatific Vision. 2. The Faces of the Father and Son. 3. Our Primary Joy: Seeing God.
The Foolishness of Sarah
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Foolishness of Sarah" Genesis 16:2-13 1. The Foolishness with Hagar.
What About the Rest of Your Time? (Part 2)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "What About the Rest of Your Time?" (Part 2) 1 Peter 4:1-11 1. An Expectant Attitude Toward Christ. 2. A Fervent Attitude Toward the Saints.
The Earth…Destroyed or Renewed?
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Earth...Destroyed or Renewed?" 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 1. Burned or Purified. 2. Redemption Means Restoration. 3. The Meaning of "New".
Wednesday Night Prayer Request
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Wednesday Night Prayer Request" (No Service)
Youth Camp Share Night
"Youth Camp Share Night"
Our Deliverance: How and When?
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "Our Deliverance: How and When?" Hebrews 11:13-14 1. The New Earth: The Old Testament's Hope. 2. The Question at Hand, the Millennium. 3. The Promised New World. 4. The Messiah's Earthly Kingdom.
The Journey of Sarah
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Journey of Sarah" Hebrews 11:11 1. The Journey of Sarah. 2. Sarah's Desire to the Blessing.
The Body That Will Live Forever
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Body That Will Live Forever" 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 1. Dust: The Ingredient of Adam. 2. The Promise of Imperishable Bodies.
7/24/2024 Wednesday Night Service
Bro. Richard Aninipot Philippine Missionary
What About the Rest of Your Time? (Part 1)
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "What About the Rest of Your Time?" (Part 1) 1 Peter 4:1-11 1. A Radical Attitude Toward Sin. 2. A Patient Attitude toward the Lost.
The Role of Christ in Our Resurrected Bodies
Dr. Bobby McGuffie "The Role of Christ in Our Resurrected Bodies" Luke 24:31,39 1. Christ's Body: Our Example. 2. Christ's Body: The Glorified Image.
Worship with Us
10:00 am | 6:00 pm
6:30 pm