I Will Go, Will You?

by | May 17, 2020 | Sermons

05/17/2020 – Sunday Morning Service

Acts 1:4-8

When we are constantly looking within the walls of the church, we have a DNA makeup of being Inwardly Focused – the more Inwardly Focused we are, the less opportunities we have Outside the walls. However, the reality is that church decline is the collective result of individuals who have decided they will “NOT” Go!

Your Jerusalem

  • In every recorded instance of His last words, Jesus called those who believe in Him to Action, to Service, and to Mission.
  • They had nothing of what we think is important. They simply began a movement.
  • The only thing these believers had going for them was that even their opponents could see that “They had been with Jesus”.
  1. Appropriate Our Authority
    • Make no mistake – where God is blessing, He is empowering.
  2. Accept Our Assignment
    • An Ambassador does not set policy or purpose – they merely fulfill the responsibility given to them by whom they represent.
  3. Adjust Our Approach
  4. Act on Our Answer
    • Every message Jesus gives requires a personal answer.

Here is the question: Knowing that we are God’s representatives in this world, what kind of Representatives are we here in our home town?

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