08/02/2020 – Sunday Morning Service
Luke 14:25-35
- Salvation is free, but Discipleship costs. (Vs. 25)
- The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of cheap price has been forgotten.
- Disciples Must Worship at Any Cost – Crucifixion (Vss. 26-27)
A. Jesus Must Come Before any Personal Relationship.
– You can love that individual more by allowing them to be Number 2 than making them Number 1.
B. Jesus Must Come Before Personal Reputation (Vs. 26)
C. Personal Realization (Vs. 26)
– The cross is something you willingly take up! You don’t have to bear it.
– What does it mean to take up your cross and be crucified with Christ?
a. A man who is crucified is only facing one way.
b. A man who is crucified is not going back.
c. A man who is crucified has no further plans of his own.
– When you gave your life to Jesus and take up your cross, that is the last legitimate, independent decision you ever make.
2. Disciples Must Work at any Cost – Construction (Vss. 28-29)
3. Disciples Must War at any Conflict (Vss. 31-32)
– When I follow the Lord Jesus Christ, I follow into battle.- Warriors Who are Not Cowards (Vss. 31-32)
- Warriors Who are Not Compromisers (Vss. 31-32)
- Warriors Who are Not Cautious (Vss. 31-32)
- Disciples Must Witness at Any Cost – Commission (Vss. 34-35)
– America needs the preserving salt of Jesus Christ. The problem in America is not the drug dealer, the pornographer, Hollywood, or the Liberal media…it is the saltless saint!
– We are going to irritate some people. No offense, no effect! Not everyone is going to love you if you follow Jesus Christ.
– We are to be separated from sinners but not isolated.
– In order for a person to be happy, it is said that they have to have something to believe in, someone to love, and a cause to serve…That is JESUS!Audio-only version:
- Disciples Must Worship at Any Cost – Crucifixion (Vss. 26-27)